Big T's

Big T's

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Deep Dixie Racing Legends: A Conversation With Marvin Ragan

Today, I met with Mr. Marvin Ragan to begin a series of conversations with influential figures of stock car racing in the south.  As many of you may know, Mr. Ragan is the owner of the Watermelon Capital Speedway and he has recently been diagnosed with a very grave form leukemia and one doctor told him his life expectancy may be less than two months.  He has set up a blog on Caring Bridge to help enlighten people on his condition on a regular basis. You can click here to view it.

I have known Mr. Marvin for several years and I have a great deal of respect for him. Having covered racing in this part of the country, I knew a little bit about his background but I wanted to learn more.  It was a really enjoyable time sitting back and listening to what he had to say.  Overall, I will probably put up around two hours of our conversation, more or less.  The first video is around thirty minutes long. I will add the others to this post as I complete them. Please keep Mr. Ragan in your thoughts and prayers. 

Video #2

Video #3